Call for Proposals: Keeping History Alive – Society of Ohio Archivists 2017 Annual Meeting

The 2017 Society of Ohio Archivists’ Annual meeting–Keeping History Alive–will be held Friday, May 19 at the Quest Business and Conference Center, 8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus, OH 43240. Kathleen Williams, Executive Director of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) will be the Plenary Speaker.

Deadline to submit proposals: Monday, January 9, 2017, 5pm.

The SOA 2017 Program Committee seeks a broad array of creative proposals, sessions and posters, related to archival work today and into the future. All proposal topics are welcome.

Possible ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Tools for archival discovery, maintenance, and/or marketing
  • Outreach and instruction efforts
  • Student, intern, and volunteer experiences and projects
  • Funding for archival projects or archival facilities
  • Unique collection development ventures
  • Preservation, description, and access to analog, born-digital, or hybrid collections

The Program Committee encourages proposals of panel sessions, student and professional posters, as well as alternative formats such as debate, fish bowl, lightning, mini-workshops, pecha kucha, world café, and other session formats that encourage interaction between presenters and attendees.

The Program Committee also encourages proposals from students*, new professionals*, first time presenters and attendees, as well as individuals from related professions, including those from outside of Ohio.

Proposals must include:

  • Session/Poster title and type
  • Abstract of 250 words describing the session/poster and how it will be of interest to SOA attendees
  • Description of 150 words for the printed program
  • Main contact’s information and any other participants
  • A/V or technology requirements
  • Any additional special needs

Please complete the proposal form by Monday, January 9, 2017, 5pm at

More meeting details will appear as they develop at

Questions? Please contact:

Janet Carleton ([email protected]) or Collette McDonough ([email protected])

Cochairs, Society of Ohio Archivists Educational Programming Committee

*Separate from the Call for Proposals, SOA is pleased to announce four scholarships available to students (2 awards), and new archival professionals (2 awards) with three years or less experience in the workplace to attend the annual meeting.

The scholarship consists of conference registration (including lunch), a one-year membership to SOA, and a $100 travel stipend. Awardees are required to write about their experience for publication in the Ohio Archivist newsletter.

Applications should include the following information:

  •    Applicant’s name, mailing and e-mail address;
  •    Students should list their school’s name and academic program;
  •    New professionals should list their employer and number of years working within the field;
  •    Description about how the meeting will benefit the applicant professionally;
  •    Brief description of the applicant’s scholarship and contribution to archives. This will be taken into consideration along with the applicant’s number of years in the field or academic study;
  •    Statement of the applicant’s need for financial support to attend the conference;
  •    Applications are due by February 15, 2017.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via e-mail or mail to: Devhra BennettJones, [email protected], Lloyd Library, 917 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

OHRAB 2016 Achievement Award presented to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library and Archives

OHRAB 2016 Achievement Award presented to Greene County Records Center and Archives

Representatives of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library and Archives receive one of two 2016 Achievement Awards from the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB). Pictured are Director of Archives Jennie Thomas; Senior Director of Library and Archives Andy Leach; and OHRAB Board Member Meghan Hays (Shaker Heights Public Library).

OHRAB 2016 Achievement Award presented to Greene County Records Center and Archives

Presentation of 2016 OHRAB Achievement Award to Greene County Records Center adn Archives

Representatives of Greene County receive one of the two 2016 Achievement Awards from the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB). Pictured are Commissioner Bob Glaser, Public Outreach Coordinator Elise Kelly, Archival Assistant Joan Donovan, OHRAB Board Member Galen Wilson (National Archives), Records Manager & Archivist Robin Heise (holding plaque), Commissioner Tom Koogler, OHRAB Board Member Dawne Dewey (Wright State University, Special Collections & Archives), Graduate Intern Erix Infante (Wright State University – Public History), Commissioner Alan Anderson.

Celebrate Archives Month by Honoring the Accomplishments of an Ohio Archival Institution

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board Achievement Award recognizes significant accomplishments in preserving and improving access to historical records in any format by an Ohio archival institution.

All Ohio institutions responsible for archival records that provide public access to at least a portion of their collections are eligible. Eligible accomplishments include recent special projects or on-going programs that:

  •  build significant collections
  •  implement successful preservation strategies
  •  enhance access to archives
  • develop effective digitization programs

Preference will be given to projects or programs that can be adapted for use by other institutions.

Because the award recognizes institutional achievements, individuals are not eligible. Departments employing members of OHRAB are not eligible, but other departments in their institutions are eligible.

Nominating letters should be no longer than two pages, 12-pt, single spaced, describing the institution’s program/project along with its goals, accomplishments, and significance. Each must include the nominee’s institutional name along with a contact person’s name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number.

Read the OHRAB Achievement Award flyer for more information.

Send nominations via email or U.S. mail by October 7, 2016 to:

Pari Swift

Senior Records Manager

Ohio Attorney General’s Office, 23rd Floor

30 East Broad Street

Columbus, OH 43215

[email protected]

June 2016 Ohio Archives Grant Opportunity

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is pleased to announce a second grant opportunity for this year. This grant funding is provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a division of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). These grants are for $500 up to $4,500 and may be used by archival institutions to increase online access to Ohio’s historical records.  Proposals must be received by June 30, 2016.  Awards will be announced July 11 , 2016 and projects must be completed by December 31, 2016. Full details of this grant opportunity and the application packet are available at OHRAB’s website at

  • Eligible institutions may be public or private that provide public access to archival collections without charging a fee.
  • Any size institution may apply, but preference will be given to institutions with permanently valuable archival materials of 500 cubic feet or fewer.
  • Eligible projects may include those involving physical access, arrangement and description; preservation (including storage materials); and cataloging.  However, projects must include producing some type of online content, such as a finding aid or digital images.
  • Eligible expenses include supplies and storage materials, technical equipment, and contracted services.

Midwest Archives Conference – Grant Writing: An Introduction For Archives and Heritage Agencies

Grant Writing: An Introduction For Archives and Heritage Agencies
Berry Room, Nutter Center; 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

The Midwest Archives Conference in partnership with Special Collections and Archives, Wright State University Libraries Presents, Grant Writing: An Introduction For Archives and Heritage Agencies.

The ability to secure external funding from granting agencies can support strategic initiatives for your organization. Writing successful funding applications isn’t a secret art genetically born into a few elite professionals, but a simple and direct process of describing problems, identifying solutions, and requesting funding to achieve measurable goals. This workshop will provide an introduction to the grant writing process. Participants will receive a broad overview of approaches to aligning grant writing to strategic goals; review a variety of external funding sources for archival and history-based initiatives; become familiar with the basic structure of grant applications; understand the mechanics of the application, review, and selection processes at different funding agencies; discuss important “dos and don’ts” for successful applications; outline the critical post-award work of running and closing funded projects; and understand how to solicit feedback on failed applications to make improvements and reapply. Participants will be invited to identify a current problem at their institution which could be resolved through funding from an external agency. Breakout groups and exercises will allow participants to structure a potential funding request around this problem.

Presenter: Erik Nordberg, Director of the Walter Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.

This workshop is FREE, but a reservation is required. Space is limited! Register online or by calling (937) 775-2092.

A Presentation of the MAC Speakers Bureau Basic Workshop Series Sponsored by Battelle

Free Parking is Available in Lot 1 near the Berry Room Entrance, see map and directions for more information.

2016 Ohio Archives Grant Program

The Ohio Archives Grants (between $500 and $2,000) are funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), an arm of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) through their State Board Programming Grants. Projects eligible for funding in 2016 include:

  • Assessment and Strategic Planning: hiring consultants to identify needs and priorities for improving the organization, description, preservation and access to collections.
  • Access, Arrangement and Description: identifying, organizing, and improving access to historical records.
  • Preservation: purchasing archival file folders, archival boxes, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, hygrothermographs, or HEPA vacuum cleaners.
  • Website Development: Adding collections to online catalog, developing virtual archives, or creating an on-line database. Websites designed to support access to researchers (e.g., online catalogs, finding aids, and digitized collections, rather than curated web exhibits) will receive preference in funding. (See “Museum Materials” in Ineligible Expenses below.)

Proposals must be received by February 29, 2016. Awards will be announced March 25, and projects must be completed by December 31, 2016.

Get the application, budget form and support materials…

OHRAB 2015 Achievement Award presented to Delaware County Records Center

Delaware County Records Center Coordinator Christine Shaw (holding plaque) and her staff received the 2015 Achievement Award from the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board during the county commission meeting on November 16, 2015. Pictured from left to right, County Prosecutor Carol O'Brien, Commissioner Gary Merrell, Records Technician Alison Miller, Records Technician Megan Henry, Commissioner Jeff Benton, Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board member Pari Swift, Commissioner Barb Lewis, Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board member Stephen Badenhop, Records Technician Sharrie Doubikin and County Auditor George Kaitsa.

Delaware County Records Center Coordinator Christine Shaw (holding plaque) and her staff received the 2015 Achievement Award from the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board during the county commission meeting on November 16, 2015. Pictured from left to right, County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien, Commissioner Gary Merrell, Records Technician Alison Miller, Records Technician Megan Henry, Commissioner Jeff Benton, Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board member Pari Swift, Commissioner Barb Lewis, Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board member Stephen Badenhop, Records Technician Sharrie Doubikin and County Auditor George Kaitsa.

OHRAB Achievement Award 2016

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board proudly recognizes two institutions this year:

The Delaware County Records Center:, for its devotion to the care, preservation, and accessibility of county records through continual modernization of processes and dedication to providing convenient public access to the records in its care.

The Kelleys Island Historical Association: for its efforts in implementing archival accession, processing, and cataloging procedures; increasing the accessibility of its collections through the creation and publishing of its inventory; and fostering research through new initiatives.

More information…