Celebrate Ohio’s Citizen Archivists!

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board Citizen Archivist Award honors volunteers in Ohio’s archives who work long hours answering reference requests, processing collections, and indexing historic records.  This award recognizes a volunteer in an Ohio archive who best exemplifies the dedication and hard work volunteers—our citizen archivists—contribute to Ohio’s archives each day.

All Ohio institutions responsible for archival records that provide free public access to at least a portion of their collections are eligible. Preference will be given to volunteers whose work increases access to archival collections in Ohio.  OHRAB will accept nominations from Ohio archival institutions as well as the general public.

Departments employing members of OHRAB are not eligible, but other departments in their institutions are eligible.

Nominating letters should be no longer than two pages, 12-pt, single spaced, describing the accomplishments and dedication of the volunteer. Include the nominee’s name along with a contact person’s name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number.  If the nominee’s contributions include online collections, please include a link to the website.

Send nominations via email or U.S. mail to:

Tina Ratcliff

County Records & Information Manager
Montgomery County Records Center & Archives
117 South Main Street

P.O. Box 972
Dayton, OH 45422

[email protected]

Nominations must be received by September 30, 2022.

Questions? Contact Tina Ratcliff at [email protected] or 937-496-6932.

2022 OHRAB Citizen Archivist Award Announcement

Professional Development Scholarships

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is pleased to announce a development opportunity for students, volunteers and records professionals.

OHRAB, with funding provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, is offering scholarship aid to support continuing archival education for graduate students and individuals who care for the historic record. OHRAB will award scholarships of up to $300 assist individuals in attending a professional development opportunity of their choosing. The meeting may be in person or virtual.  Applications are due September 30, 2022.

Funding is available to support attendance at development opportunities offered by such organizations as:

  • The Midwest Archives Conference,
  • The Society of American Archivists,
  • The Society of Ohio Archivists,
  • The Ohio Local History Alliance,
  • The Academic Library Association of Ohio,
  • The Ohio Municipal Clerks Association,
  • The International Institute of Municipal Clerk,
  • The Ohio Township Association,
  • The Ohio Genealogical Society, or
  • Other professional development opportunities subject to approval by OHRAB.

Applicants must be individuals who are full-time (minimum of 9 credits) graduate students currently enrolled in an Ohio institution of higher education; individuals working or volunteering in an Ohio library, archive, special collection, or government repository; individuals who serve as a state, county, municipal, or township official or their designee whose main responsibilities is to maintain public records; and those who work or volunteer in other roles caring for or providing access to records within the State of Ohio.

Questions?  Please contact Tina Ratcliff, Montgomery County Records and Information Manager, [email protected]

