Professional Development Scholarships

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is pleased to announce a development opportunity for students, volunteers and records professionals.

OHRAB, with funding provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, is offering two scholarships of up to $1,000 to support continuing education for students and individuals who care for the historic record. The Board will award scholarships to assist individuals in attending a professional development opportunity of their choosing. The meeting may be in person or virtual.  Applications are due on April 15, 2025.

The award can be used to attend educational opportunities provided by organizations such as:

  • The Midwest Archives Conference (MAC),
  • The Society of American Archivists (SAA),
  • The Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA),
  • The Ohio Local History Alliance (OLHA),
  • The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO),
  • The Ohio Municipal Clerks Association (OMCA),
  • The International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC),
  • The Ohio Township Association (OTA),
  • The National Association of Government Archives & Records Administrators (NAGARA),
  • The Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS), or
  • Other professional development opportunities subject to approval by OHRAB.

Applicants must be individuals who are full-time (minimum of 9 credits) graduate students currently enrolled in an Ohio institution of higher education; individuals working or volunteering in an Ohio library, archive, special collection, or government repository; individuals who serve as a state, county, municipal, or township official or their designee whose main responsibilities is to maintain public records; and those who work or volunteer in other roles caring for or providing access to records within the State of Ohio.

For more information please see the scholarship description and application.

2025 Regrants Opportunity

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board announces the availability of grants between $500 and $5,000 to archival institutions to fund projects to preserve and/or provide access to Ohio’s historical records.  The grants are funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), an arm of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 

Grant applications are due March 31, 2025.  More information on the grants, including the application packet, is available here.

Projects eligible for funding in 2025 include:

  • Access, Arrangement and Description: identifying, organizing, and improving access to historical records.
  • Website Development: Adding collections to online catalog, developing virtual archives, or creating an on-line database. Websites designed to support access to researchers (e.g., online catalogs, finding aids, and digitized collections, rather than curated web exhibits) will receive preference in funding.
  • Projects focused on under-documented communities and topics, as well as underserved communities, are encouraged.

Please Note: all projects should produce some type of online content, such as a finding aid, report or digital images.

Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to submit draft grant applications for feedback.  Draft applications must be received by February 24 and must include all of the components of the application.  Comments and recommendations on the drafts should not be construed as guaranteeing a grant award.     

Questions?  Please contact: Virginia Dressler, Digital Projects Librarian, University Libraries, Kent State University ([email protected]).

2024 Citizen Archivist Award Recipients

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is proud to announce that Nancy Brock of the Hudson Library & Historical Society and Jim Hearlihy of the Clark County Historical Society are recipients of the 2024 OHRAB Citizen Archivist Award.

The OHRAB Citizen Archivist Award honors volunteers in Ohio’s archives who work long hours, unpaid and often unacknowledged, answering reference requests, processing collections, and indexing historic records.  This award recognizes those in Ohio archives who best exemplify the dedication and hard work volunteers–our citizen archivists–contribute to Ohio’s archives each day.

Nancy Brock has been a devoted volunteer at the Hudson Library & Historical Society for over twenty-seven years, where, according to the society’s staff, she has had a hand in just about everything.  She has taught genealogy classes and coordinated genealogy programming.  Nancy has a vast knowledge of the society’s collections and directs researchers to the best materials.  When the library moved to a new building, Nancy volunteered to organize and reshelve the collection. Currently, Nancy maintains the society’s obituary index and provides individual tutoring sessions to any researcher in need.  Nancy’s enthusiasm for genealogy and the Hudson Library & History Society has inspired many to start researching their family tree.  On their first visits, they tell the society’s staff, “Nancy told me I could find it here.”

Jim Hearlihy has volunteered for the Clark County Historical Society for ten years and has contributed over 1,200 hours to its archives.  His main project during that time has been processing the society’s enormous Springfield News-Sun collection, which encompassed nearly 2,000 reels of microfilm and 165 record boxes of material from the newspaper’s “clippings morgue.”  Jim organized and inventoried the collection by subjects, such as Local People, Local Subjects, and Sports Files.  His handwritten lists were turned into spreadsheets that can be viewed online.  Jim has also processed many other collections, including the Clark County Historical Society’s own newsletters.  Natalie Fritz, Archivist & Outreach Director, says, “Jim’s hard work and contributions have allowed so many collections to be accessible.  We are so grateful for his time and service and want to recognize his dedication.”

Please join OHRAB in celebrating the accomplishments of Nancy Brock and Jim Hearlihy and their contributions to the history of Ohio.  We applaud the dedication, talent, and love that they and their fellow volunteers bring to Ohio’s archives each day.

2024 Archives Achievement Award Recipient

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is proud to announce that the recipient of the 2024 OHRAB Achievement Award is the Union County Records Center & Archives.

In 2019, the Union County Records Center & Archives began its Union County Common Pleas Court and Clerk of Courts File Access, Preservation, and Digitization Project.  The project encompassed all the Union County Common Pleas Court case files from 1820 to 1900.  The files begin with the creation of Union County in 1820 and document events of significant historical, genealogical, and legal importance to the people of Union County.  The case files answer the “who, when, where, and why” questions so many researchers have about their families and their land.

Despite the importance of the files, they were disorganized.  In 1860, Union County started to organize the files by case number.  But prior to that, the files were organized by disposition date or judgement date, not by name.  This made the files almost impossible to locate.  The files were also stored in acidic packets that were slowly eating away at the paper inside them.  The records suffered from limited access and inadequate preservation. 

The Union County Records Center & Archives began its project with the goal to improve access to the Common Pleas Court files and to preserve them.  The files were indexed by name, case type, file date, judgement, and judgement date.  The information for each file was cross-checked by other court records, such as court journals or dockets, to make sure the index was comprehensive and complete.  Once the index was complete, volunteers unfolded, flattened, and organized the more than 15,000 case files and placed them in acid-free files. Union County then collaborated with the Latter-day Saints to digitize the records.  The images were uploaded along with the index to the website of the Union County Records Center & Archives.  (

With this project, the Union County Records Center & Archives succeeded in improving access to the Common Pleas court files and preserving them for the future.  They serve as an example of what a small institution with limited resources can do with hard work, persistence, and the ability to collaborate.  OHRAB congratulates the Union County Records Center & Archives for their accomplishments and wishes them continued success in their efforts to preserve the history of Ohio!

Celebrate Archives Month by Honoring the Accomplishments of an Ohio Archival Institution

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board Achievement Award recognizes significant accomplishments in preserving and improving access to historical records, in any format, by an Ohio archival institution.

All Ohio institutions responsible for archival records that provide public access to at least a portion of their collections are eligible. Eligible accomplishments include recent special projects or on-going programs that:

  • build significant collections
  • implement successful preservation strategies
  • enhance access to archives
  • develop effective digitization programs

Preference will be given to projects or programs that can be adapted for use by other institutions.

Nominations must be received by October 11, 2024

Because the award recognizes institutional achievements, individuals are not eligible. Departments employing members of OHRAB are not eligible, but other departments in their institutions are eligible.

Nominating letters should be no longer than two pages, 12-pt, single spaced, describing the institution’s program/project along with its goals, accomplishments, and significance. Each must include the nominee’s institutional name along with a contact person’s name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number. If the nomination includes online collections, please include a link to the website.

Send nominations via email or U.S. mail to:

Tina Ratcliff

County Records & Information Manager
Montgomery County Records Center & Archives
117 South Main Street

P.O. Box 972
Dayton, OH 45422

[email protected]

Self-nominations are encouraged.

More information, including a list of recent recipients, is available on the attached document.

2024 OHRAB Achievement Award

Celebrate Ohio’s Citizen Archivists by Honoring the Accomplishments of a Volunteer in an Ohio Archival Institution

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board Citizen Archivist Award honors volunteers in Ohio’s archives who work long hours answering reference requests, processing collections, and indexing historic records.  This award recognizes a volunteer in an Ohio archive who best exemplifies the dedication and hard work volunteers—our citizen archivists—contribute to Ohio’s archives each day.

All Ohio institutions responsible for archival records that provide free public access to at least a portion of their collections are eligible. Preference will be given to volunteers whose work increases access to archival collections in Ohio.  OHRAB will accept nominations from Ohio archival institutions as well as the general public.

Departments employing members of OHRAB are not eligible, but other departments in their institutions are eligible.

Nominating letters should be no longer than two pages, 12-pt, single spaced, describing the accomplishments and dedication of the volunteer. Include the nominee’s name along with a contact person’s name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number.  If the nominee’s contributions include online collections, please include a link to the website.

Send nominations by September 20, 2024 via email or U.S. mail to:

Tina Ratcliff

County Records & Information Manager
Montgomery County Records Center & Archives
117 South Main Street

P.O. Box 972
Dayton, OH 45422

[email protected]

2024 OHRAB Citizen Archivist Award Announcement

Professional Development Scholarships

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is pleased to announce a development opportunity for students, volunteers, and records professionals.

OHRAB, with funding provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, is offering scholarships up to $300 to support continuing education for graduate students and individuals who care for the historic record. The Board will award scholarships to assist individuals in attending a professional development opportunity of their choosing. The meeting may be in person or virtual.  Applications are due on August 31, 2024.

Funding is available to support attendance at development opportunities offered by such organizations as:

  • The Midwest Archives Conference,
  • The Society of American Archivists,
  • The Society of Ohio Archivists,
  • The Ohio Local History Alliance,
  • The Academic Library Association of Ohio,
  • The Ohio Municipal Clerks Association,
  • The International Institute of Municipal Clerk,
  • The Ohio Township Association,
  • The National Association of Government Archives & Records Administrators,
  • The Ohio Genealogical Society, or
  • Other professional development opportunities subject to approval by OHRAB.

Applicants must be individuals who are full-time (minimum of 9 credits) graduate students currently enrolled in an Ohio institution of higher education; individuals working or volunteering in an Ohio library, archive, special collection, or government repository; individuals who serve as a state, county, municipal, or township official or their designee whose main responsibilities is to maintain public records; and those who work or volunteer in other roles caring for or providing access to records within the State of Ohio.

How to Apply

To be considered for the scholarship, the application must be received no later than August 31st. Applications received after this date will not be considered. Applicants will be notified by phone or email of their status respectively.

The completed application and required narrative should be sent or emailed to: Tina Ratcliff, Montgomery County Records Center & Archives, 117 South Main Street, 6th Floor, Dayton, OH, 45422. Or emailed to [email protected].



Professional Development Scholarships

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is pleased to announce a development opportunity for students, volunteers, and records professionals.

OHRAB, with funding provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, is offering scholarships up to $300 to support continuing education for graduate students and individuals who care for the historic record. The Board will award scholarships to assist individuals in attending a professional development opportunity of their choosing. The meeting may be in person or virtual.  Applications are due on April 30, 2024.

Funding is available to support attendance at development opportunities offered by such organizations as:

  • The Midwest Archives Conference,
  • The Society of American Archivists,
  • The Society of Ohio Archivists,
  • The Ohio Local History Alliance,
  • The Academic Library Association of Ohio,
  • The Ohio Municipal Clerks Association,
  • The International Institute of Municipal Clerk,
  • The Ohio Township Association,
  • The National Association of Government Archives & Records Administrators,
  • The Ohio Genealogical Society, or
  • Other professional development opportunities subject to approval by OHRAB.

Applicants must be individuals who are full-time (minimum of 9 credits) graduate students currently enrolled in an Ohio institution of higher education; individuals working or volunteering in an Ohio library, archive, special collection, or government repository; individuals who serve as a state, county, municipal, or township official or their designee whose main responsibilities is to maintain public records; and those who work or volunteer in other roles caring for or providing access to records within the State of Ohio.

How to Apply

To be considered for the scholarship, the application must be received no later than April 30. Applications received after this date will not be considered. Applicants will be notified by phone or email of their status respectively.

The completed application and required narrative should be sent or emailed to: Tina Ratcliff, Montgomery County Records Center & Archives, 117 South Main Street, 6th Floor, Dayton, OH, 45422. Or [email protected].

2024 OHRAB Professional Development Scholarship Description


2024 OHRAB Regrants Opportunity

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board announces the availability of grants between $500 and $5,000 to archival institutions to fund projects to preserve and/or provide access to Ohio’s historical records.  The grants are funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), an arm of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 

Grant applications are due March 31, 2024.  More information on the grants, including the application packet, is available here.

Projects eligible for funding in 2024 include:

  • Assessment and Strategic Planning: hiring consultants to identify needs and priorities for improving the organization, description, preservation and access to collections.
  • Access, Arrangement and Description: identifying, organizing, and improving access to historical records.
  • Preservation: purchasing archival file folders, archival boxes, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, hygrothermographs, or HEPA vacuum cleaners.
  • Website Development: Adding collections to online catalog, developing virtual archives, or creating an on-line database. Websites designed to support access to researchers (e.g., online catalogs, finding aids, and digitized collections, rather than curated web exhibits) will receive preference in funding.
  • Projects focused on under-documented communities and topics, as well as underserved communities, are encouraged.

Please Note: all projects should produce some type of online content, such as a finding aid, report or digital images.

Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to submit draft grant applications for feedback.  Draft applications must be received by February 23 and must include all of the components of the application.  Comments and recommendations on the drafts should not be construed as guaranteeing a grant award.      

 Questions?  Please contact: Virginia Dressler, Digital Projects Librarian, University Libraries, Kent State University ([email protected]).

2023 Archives Achievement Award Recipient

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is proud to announce that the recipient of the 2023 OHRAB Achievement Award is the Bay Village Historical Society.

In 2019, the Bay Village Historical Society began a project to conserve and increase access to the portraits and photographs in its Rose Hill Museum. These portraits are vital to the Bay Village Historical Society. According to the will donating the land and home to the historical society, the portraits of the descendants of the Cahoon family, the first settlers of Bay Village, and the portraits of other early settler families must be displayed.

In the first phase of the project, historical society staff and volunteers removed the portraits from their original frames and transported them to the Cleveland Public Library’s Main Branch where they were scanned as high-resolution tiffs. The Cleveland Institute of Art then produced an archival copy of each portrait.  A local artist who volunteered with the historical society restored the frames, touching up the paint and using modeling clay to repair the cracks.  The archival copies were placed in the repaired frames and hung on the walls of the Rose Hill Museum.

The historical society also consulted with staff from ICA-Art Conservation, Jamison Art Conservation, and Cleveland State University to develop a plan to conserve the original portraits.  This included some portraits consisting of chalk drawings on paper with silk backing, which had not been anticipated. Custom-made archival boxes with archival foam core and all-cotton batting were built to house the original portraits and preserve them for future generations. 

During the project the Bay Village Historical Society created an index to the portrait gallery, including biographical information about the individuals.  A physical copy of the index is available for visitors at the Rose Hill Museum and the information, along with digital copies of the portraits, is available online at      

OHRAB congratulates the Bay Village Historical Society for their accomplishments and wishes them continued success in their efforts to preserve the history of Ohio!

The Ohio Historical Advisory Board (OHRAB) is the central body for historical records planning in the state.  The Board is funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).  Board members represent Ohio’s public and private archives, records offices, and research institutions.  For more information on OHRAB and its Ohio Archives Grant Program, visit