
Are you thinking about applying for a grant?  OHRAB is here to help!  OHRAB’s members have years of grant experience from reviewing grant applications submitted to the NHPRC.  OHRAB also administers its own regrant program with financial assistance from the NHPRC.

First time applying for a grant and not sure where to start?  Then check out OHRAB’s regrant program.  This program is designed as an introduction to the grant process, teaching the basics of applying for and administering a grant while striving to be as painless and simple as possible.  These grants are for records preservation and digitization projects that can be completed in about eight months and grants range from $500 to $5,000.  More information on the regrants, including a list of prior recipients and the types of projects that have received funding, is available here.

Have a larger records preservation or digitization project in mind?  Then a NHPRC grant may be for you.  The NHPRC offers grants for processing, digitization and managing electronic records.  These grants can range from 1 to 2 years and can be up to $150,000.  For more information on these grants please visit the NHPRC’s website.  Not sure about what types of projects receive funding?  A list of NHPRC grants awarded to Ohio institutions is available here.

Ready to start on your grant application? Before you do you should check out these tips from OHRAB.  While they were compiled from reviews of NHPRC grants, the tips are also useful to keep in mind while preparing other grant applications, such as an OHRAB regrant.

Looking for other grant opportunities?  The Ohio History Connection’s Local History Office lists additional state, federal and private grants on its website.