
Strategic Plan
Reports to NHPRC


The mission of Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board is to serve the people of Ohio by advocating, nurturing, and advising programs that identify, preserve, and provide access to their documentary heritage, which enriches the culture and protects the rights of Ohioans.

To accomplish that mission the Board:

  • Encourages organizations to seek funding for appropriate projects and provides guidance to those organizations;
  • Reviews applications for grants to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission;
  • Serves as an advisory body to the Ohio Historical Society for all issues related to historical records in Ohio;
  • Endorses and encourages programs and activities of other organizations whose goals are consistent with the mission of OHRAB;
  • Recommends programs that use historical records in their educational activities;
  • Plans appropriate goals, objectives, and an action agenda for the current year and the near future.


Effective: July 17, 2020 -Present 

OHRAB Bylaws 07172020 (PDF)


The name of this organization is the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board, also known as OHRAB.


To accomplish OHRAB’s mission of enriching the culture and protecting the rights of Ohioans by fostering activities that identify, preserve, and provide access to the state’s documentary heritage, OHRAB:

A. Advocates for issues that enhance the collection, preservation, and public use of historical records
B. Encourages organizations to seek funding for appropriate projects and provides guidance to those organizations
C. Reviews applications to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) for grants
D. Serves as an advisory body to the Ohio History Connection for all issues related to historical records in Ohio
E. Encourages and supports programs and activities of other organizations whose goals are consistent with the mission of OHRAB
F. Endorses support of programs that use historical records in their educational activities
G. Plans appropriate goals, objectives, and an action agenda for the current year and the near future



OHRAB shall consist of no fewer than eight (8) and no more than sixteen (16) members. Pursuant to NHPRC regulations, a majority of the members must have experience in the administration of historical records or in a field of research or activity that makes extensive use of such records. OHRAB should be as broadly representative as possible of Ohio’s public and private archives, records offices, and research institutions. Members shall be those who are outstanding in the fields of archives, records management and/or library science, who are representative of higher education, historical societies, libraries, local government, private archives, state government, or federal government agencies located in Ohio. Composition of the Board shall include:

  1. Ex officio:
    1. Voting
      1. State Archivist
      2. Assistant State Archivist or other designee of the State Archivist
    2. Non-voting/advisory: Director of the Ohio History Connection
  2. Voting Members:
    1. A minimum of 3 members of the public recommended by the Board, and appointed by the Governor of the State of Ohio.
    2. Up to 7 members appointed by the Board representing organizations such as the following:
      1. Cleveland Archival Roundtable
      2. County Archivists and Records Managers Association
      3. Miami Valley Archives Roundtable
      4. Ohio Council of County Officials
      5. Ohio Genealogical Society
      6. Ohio Local History Alliance
      7. Ohio Municipal Clerks Association
      8. Society of Ohio Archivists
    3. Up to 3 members appointed by the Board at large.


Appointed members shall serve three (3) year terms, staggered among the membership. Terms are renewable, but no member may serve more than three (3) consecutive terms. Members continue to serve expired terms until replaced or re-appointed.


1. State Coordinator: The State Archivist shall serve as the State Coordinator
2. Deputy State Coordinator: The Assistant State Archivist or other designee of the State Archivist shall serve as the Deputy State Coordinator.
3. Chair: On an annual basis, the Chair shall be elected from and by a majority of the membership.
4. Vice Chair: On an annual basis, the Vice Chair shall be elected from and by majority of the membership..


1. State Coordinator: The State Coordinator shall:
a) make recommendations to the Governor regarding appointments to OHRAB, based upon recommendations and counsel of current OHRAB members
b) act as meeting convener
c) work collaboratively with the Chair in developing meeting Agendas
d) perform other duties as prescribed by the NHPRC
e) serve in an ex officio capacity as prescribed by the NHPRC.

2. Deputy State Coordinator: The Deputy State Coordinator shall:
a) act as the OHRAB Secretary
b) serve as State Coordinator in his/her absence
c) serve in an ex officio capacity as prescribed by the NHPRC.

3. Chair: The Chair shall:
a) preside over OHRAB meetings
b) work collaboratively with the State Coordinator in developing meeting Agendas.

4. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall:
a) act as Parliamentarian
b) serve as the Chair in his/her absence.

5. Members: Members shall:
a) attend meetings in person on a regular basis; virtual attendance may be permitted for extenuating circumstances with approval of the Chair
b) participate on assigned committees
c) review grant proposals to the NHPRC by Ohio institutions, unless there is an inherent conflict of interest.

E. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Members may be terminated from service on the Board:

1. at their own request
2. upon a majority vote of the Board after missing three (3) consecutive meetings
3. upon a majority vote of the Board for failure to consistently execute their duties as outlined above.


A. FREQUENCY: OHRAB shall meet at least 4 times per year to review grant applications and conduct other business. Other meetings may be called at the initiation of the Chair and/or Coordinator. All meetings shall be open to the public. OHRAB records shall be maintained by the Coordinator.

B. OPEN MEETINGS: While OHRAB is not legally subject to the Ohio Open Meetings Act, it embraces the spirit of the OMA in the conduct of its meetings.

C. QUORUM: A majority of the members must attend in person or virtually to achieve a quorum for the transaction of official business.

D. VOTING: Except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws, decisions of the Board require a majority vote of the members attending—physically and virtually. No member will be allowed to vote on any issue via proxy.

E. AGENDAS: Requests for agenda items from the members will take place at least four weeks in advance of the meetings. Agendas and board packet materials will be distributed to OHRAB members at least one week in advance of the meeting.

F. FINANCIAL REPORT: The State Coordinator will ensure that a financial report is presented at each meeting.

G. MEETING NOTICE AND MINUTES: Dates, location and agendas of meetings, along with approved minutes of meetings, will be posted on the OHRAB web site.


A. APPOINTMENTS: The Chair shall appoint committees as appropriate, based on advice and counsel of the Board

B. OUTSIDE EXPERTISE:”’ Such committees may include individuals with subject area expertise who are not members of the Board.

C. COMPOSITION:”’ Every committee must be Chaired by a Board member.

D. FUNDING: OHRAB will fund the work of these committees within the limits of the OHRAB administrative budget as appropriate.


:The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of OHRAB where not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws and NHPRC guidelines.


:These bylaws may be amended and revised by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the OHRAB membership, provided that there is a quorum.


Effective January 26, 2018 – July 17, 2020 (PDF)

Effective January 27, 2012 – January 26, 2018 (PDF)

Effective January 29, 2011 – January 27, 2012 (PDF)
Effective November 20, 2006 – January 28, 2011 (PDF)