2018 Grant Application Materials
- OHRAB Grant Application Packet 2018
- OHRAB Regrant Summary Page (PDF editable pages 12 &13 of above document)
- OHRAB Regrant Budget Form (xlsx)
2018 Grant Recipients
- Broadview Heights Historical Society, Broadview Heights, OH: Inaugural Collections Archival Project ($2,003)
- Brownhelm Historical Association, Vermillion, OH: Organization and Preservation of Brownhelm Township Genealogical Resources ($2,000)
- Cleveland Metroparks, Cleveland, OH: Digitization of Slides from 100 Years of Park History ($2,000)
- Delhi Historical Association, Cincinnati, OH: Organization and Accessibility of Delhi Historical Association Records ($2,294)
- Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Mount Saint Joseph, OH: Preserving Films from the Vincentian Sisters of Charity of Bedford, Ohio ($1,876)
- Tiffin Glass Museum, Tiffin, OH: Digitization and Preservation of Tiffin & U.S. Glass Company Catalogs ($2,056)
- University of Akron Archival Services, Akron, OH: Processing and Preserving the Opie Evans Papers (Phase I) ($4,680)
- Village of Greenhills, Cincinnati, OH: Improving Access to Records of Historic Greenhills: Identifying, Organizing and Digitizing ($3,091)